Mark is so much more than just a motivational speaker. He’s a Leadership and Teamwork performance expert, with over 20 years in Leadership, Team and Organisation Development, and for some of the worlds greatest organisations.
As such he also offers additional ‘bolt-on’ sessions, either on the day or as follow-on interventions, that expand on certain topics, or put the key learning into practice using tried and tested techniques and world-class development tools and methodologies. Click the drop down arrows to learn more, depending on whether this is for Leaders, Teams or Individuals:
Do your Leaders have any of these requirements? Learn what solution is available by clicking on the dropdown.
SOLUTION: ‘Insights Discovery’ Personality Profiling
SOLUTION: ‘Insights Discovery Transformational Leadership’ Profile
SOLUTION: ‘Fearless Organisation’ Session that explores the concept of psychological safety, why it’s the foundation for high performance, and how Leaders can build it using the ‘Leaders Toolkit’
SOLUTION: ‘Mindset Matters’ facilitated workshop that explores how our self limiting beliefs are conditioning our current circumstance, and teaches a unique approach to get these out of our way
SOLUTION: ‘Living on Purpose’ Workshop that explores what personal purpose, why it’s valuable, and how to define your own
SOLUTION: ‘Learning to NAVIG-8’ Workshop that explores the unique ‘Navig-8’ Model and how to optimise each of the factors
SOLUTION: Situational Leadership Workshop using the tried and tested Blanchard SL2 framework including personal diagnostic to understand your current preference and how to make that more flexible
SOLUTION: ‘Managing performance’ Workshop that explores how to manage performance within with both Individuals and Teams
SOLUTION: ‘Coaching for growth’ Workshop that explores the foundations of Coaching including live small group practice and feedback
‘CULTIV-8 Culture’ Workshop that explores the ‘CULTIV-8’ model on the key factors to pay attention to in order to create a high performing culture
SOLUTION: ‘Domin-8’ Workshop, that explores the key actions taken that allowed the team to dominate in Leg 4 of the race
Does your team have any of these requirements? Learn what solution is available by clicking on the dropdown.
SOLUTION: ‘Team Blueprint’ facilitated workshop that explores each of the key elements of Purpose, Vision, Values, Strategic Imperatives, and Key KPI’s before finally displaying these as a ‘plan on a page’
SOLUTION: ‘Insights Discovery’ personality profiling and team map analysis
SOLUTION: ‘Fearless Organisation’ Scan and debrief
Sharing ‘best problems’ facilitated session
SOLUTION: ‘Crucial Collaborations’ facilitated workshop where each team ‘steps into the others shoes’ to explore their world, establish their needs, understand their frustrations and jointly agree more effective ways of working moving forwards
SOULTION: ‘Courageous Conversations’ facilitated workshop where each person takes their turn in the hot seat, receiving feedback from the rest of the team in the positive format of ‘what works about what you do’ and any ‘even better-ifs’
SOLUTION: Executive Arts ‘Transformap’ facilitated workshop that explores the confusing voices that go on in our heads when facing change that can stop us moving forwards. The Transformap has a place where each voice can be heard and rest, from worst fears, through exploring possibilities, to the voice of commitment when it’s clear how we move forward
SOLUTION: Executive Arts ‘Stucco’ facilitated workshop looks to bring fresh thinking to old and confounding problems through an innovative way to understand better what’s causing the current stuck situation before cleverly creating a plan to solve it
SOLUTION: Executive Arts ‘Implemento’ facilitated workshop is a dynamic approach to new strategy implementation that gives Individuals and Teams the benefit of hindsight before they take the step. This ensures the best outcomes are optimised and the possible worst outcomes are mitigates leading to a ‘right first time’ implementation
SOLUTION: Executive Arts ‘Impacto’ facilitated workshop provides a tried and tested framework to influencing others by following a set easy top grasp steps that never fails to get engagement and commitment in the shortest possible time
Do Individuals within your Organisation have any of these requirements? Learn what solution is available by clicking on the dropdown.
SOLUTION: ‘Together we triumph’ 1-2-1 executive coaching programme with Mark where you can get tailored support to help you move forward and achieve your highest aims
SOLUTION: Executive Arts ‘Empowermap’ workshop is a unique and structured approach to help you reflect on your life to date, your current position, where you want to be and what you want to achieve over time, before finally coming up with a grand plan as to how to get there
SOLUTION: ‘Insights Discovery’ Personality Profiling to better understand self using this class-leading and easy to understand tool
SOLUTION: ‘Mindset Matters’ facilitated workshop that explores how our self limiting beliefs are conditioning our current circumstance, and teaches a unique approach to get these out of our way
SOLUTION: ‘Living on Purpose’ Workshop that explores what personal purpose, why it’s valuable, and how to define your own
SOLUTION: ‘Learning to NAVIG-8’ Workshop that explores the unique ‘Navig-8’ Model and how to optimise each of the factors
Arrange your 30 minute consultation here to explore any of the above additional sessions to complement your Keynote speech or Masterclass